Stress & Anxiety
Alpha Stim is a treatment aid for anxiety, depression, and insomnia. This is a clinically proven device that relieves anxiety, insomnia, and depression using micro current electro-medical technology. Alpha- Stim begins at the electron level and allows your body’s cells to return to their natural functioning state. This is a non-invasive, medication free approach that produces long lasting results without the risk of side effects such as addiction to medications. Alpha Stim is administered in 20-60 minute sessions and can be issued for home use as well. For more information or to schedule a time to receive treatment call at (919)-404-WELL(9355).
'; break; case 'headaches': echo 'Headaches
DHEA Pregnenolone is a formula used to promote optimal health in many ways including head discomfort from headaches. DHEA is naturally produced in your adrenal glands but can easily be thrown off from dieting, caffeine, stress, and other factors. It is known as the master hormone to all hormones in the body and has been referred to as the youth hormone.
Your body depends on DHEA and Pregnenolone to help maintain its health and youthfulness.* As you age, your levels of both of these key hormones decrease and by age 40, can be reduced by half. And when they do, your mood, sex drive and function, memory, weight, energy, and bones and muscles can be affected.*
That\'s not all… All of your body\'s structures and systems may be impacted when your hormone levels drop, potentially affecting your blood pressure, heart and blood sugar issues, and immune function.*
You can purchase DHEA Pregnenolone from our Online Store
'; break; case 'sugary': echo 'Craving Sugary Foods
RW8 Do you constantly crave sugary or carb filled foods? In today\'s society food has been turned into fake food, leaving very little nutritional support to be taken from eating anything that has been produced to be put into an easy to use on the go package. In order to mask the taste of this food, sugar has been added to EVERYTHING in the form of fructose, high fructose corny syrup, corn syrup, etc. Our bodies have now become addicted to this sugar, however there is now a simple pill you can take that will even out your blood sugar throughout the day so as to keep at bay those sugar cravings which are sabotaging your waist line. RW8 is an all-natural supplement and contains no stimulants and is taken 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.
The two key ingredients are:
These two specialized natural ingredients have both been
Always Hungry
... coming soon ...
'; break; case 'bloating': echo 'Weight Gain & Bloating
Suffering from constant bloating and water retention causing weight gain can be due to poor digestion. When we do not digest our food properly it sits in our stomach and rots while also retaining water causing the bloating and weight gain. Poor digestion can be due to food allergies or sensitivities that have been undiagnosed. The best and most effective way to understand which food allergies or sensitivities you may have is by going onto a modified elimination diet for two weeks, at which time you then reintroduce the main food allergens such as:
The Ultra Lite Program does just this, we first take you through a modified elimination diet and then slowly re-introduce main food allergens back into your body to see how you respond and if you weight fluctuates significantly or not, you will see weigh fluctuate in just one day if you consume a food you are sensitive to.
Supporting digestion with proper Probiotics, Enzymes, and Digestive Aids is also important. All these items can be purchased in our online store.
'; break; case 'acidreflux': echo 'Acid Reflux
Do you spend a fortune on anti-acids just to get some mild relief from the constant acid reflux? Many believe it is due to too much acid they are producing when in fact it is not, instead it is a lack of enough digestive acid in your stomach that causes the un-digested food come up into the esophagus and cause the burning sensation felt by so many today. Instead of having to deal with prescription medication or relying on having a bottle of anti-acids ready on the fly you can support your digestion with three simple steps, first taking an digestive enzyme before each meal will prep your stomach for the food you are about to ingest. Second taking Hydrochloric Acid along with the Betain Activator to trigger the proper response in your stomach will support your digestion with the proper stomach acid it needs in order to effectively digest all your food. Simply doing this after each cooked meal will make a difference, you won’t even know your body is digesting which is how our bodies were meant to function, instead of feeling full and exhausted after a meal. Thirdly taking a probiotic every morning will maintain the proper balance of healthy bacteria in your gut that is needed to properly digest your food as well. By doing these three simple steps:
You will be able to experience easy digestion without the fear that the food you are about to eat is going to cause serious pain and discomfort in the long run. Regain the pleasure of eating back, and help maintain your youth as well because when your body has to take so much energy to digest its food, it has no energy to keep the rest of the body function at optimal level.
'; break; case 'constipation': echo 'Constipation
Constipation can be due to so many different ailments, the best way to address constipation is by taking your WICO® Wellness Score which will pinpoint the areas of your health that need to be addressed. Here is an example of what you will get when you take your WICO® Score:
Once you have taken your WICO® score you will receive the top portion and we will provide you with a specially trained TRANSFORMATIONS practitioner who can provide you with a virtual consultation so as to know how to properly address your wellness markers. Many times constipation can be due to a low functioning thyroid which can be easily supported by taking a natural supplement called Noni. Please consult your health care practitioner first before- hand.
Take Your WICO® Score Now: Click Here
'; break; case 'breath': echo 'Bad Breath
Bad Breath can be due to so many different ailments, the best way to address this issue is by taking your WICO® Wellness Score which will pinpoint the areas of your health that need to be addressed. Here is an example of what you will get when you take your WICO® Score:
Once you have taken your WICO® score you will receive the top portion and we will provide you with a specially trained TRANSFORMATIONS practitioner who can provide you with a virtual consultation so as to know how to properly address your wellness markers. Many times bad breath can be due to poor digestion due to food allergies or sensitivities which can be easily alleviated by implementing a modified elimination diet to discover which foods you might be allergic or sensitive to and thereafter supporting digestion with probiotics, enzymes, and digestive aids. Please consult your health care practitioner first before- hand.
Take Your WICO® Score Now: Click Here
'; break; case 'abdominalfat': echo 'Abdominal Fat
Abdominal fat is the most difficult to lose and can cause the most sever health risks. In order to lose this abdominal fat, one must first re-align their bodies to burn fat for fuel and put their body back into its natural biochemical state. There is also the need for understanding which foods you may be allergic or sensitive to that you may not even know about but are causing you to retain water weight and struggle year after year to lose that excess weight unsuccessfully. By determining these food allergies and sensitivities through a modified elimination diet and understanding where your wellness status stand by taking your WICO® Wellness Score so as to ensure there are no other underlying health conditions that could be keeping you from losing weight.
'; break; case 'bodycomposition': echo 'Body Composition
Maintaining proper body composition can be a struggle especially if you have undiagnosed health problems that could be sabotaging your weight loss goals. One must first re-align their bodies to burn fat for fuel and put their body back into its natural biochemical state. There is also the need for understanding which foods you may be allergic or sensitive to that you may not even know about but are causing you to retain water weight and struggle year after year to lose that excess weight unsuccessfully. By determining these food allergies and sensitivities through a modified elimination diet and understanding where your wellness status stands by taking your WICO® Wellness Score so as to ensure there are no other underlying health conditions that could be keeping you from losing weight and maintaining proper body composition.
'; break; case 'blurryvision': echo 'Blurry Vision
Blurry Vision can be a side effect of high blood sugar which can be very easily handled through proper lifestyle and food habit changes. Controlling blood sugar to avoid the everyday high and lows that so many people experience now is becoming crucial in order to prevent more serious diseases from becoming a reality with your health. By learning how to properly control your blood sugar through your food habits you can stop the blurry vision from happening or becoming worse. U-Lite is a great way to understand and apply how to choose correct food habits
'; break; case 'scratching': echo 'Constant Scratching
Constant Scratching can be a side effect of high blood sugar which can be very easily handled through proper lifestyle and food habit changes. Controlling blood sugar to avoid the everyday high and lows that so many people experience now is becoming crucial in order to prevent more serious diseases from becoming a reality with your health. By learning how to properly control your blood sugar through your food habits you can stop the constant scratching from happening or becoming worse. U-Lite is a great way to understand and apply how to choose correct food habits
'; break; case 'indigestion': echo 'Indigestion
Constantly taking anti-acids in order to gain just the slightest relief after a meal? Did you know that indigestion is actually the cause of low acidity in your stomach, very opposite from the perceived reason today of having too much stomach acid. When your stomach does not produce the right amount of hydrochloric acid in order to properly digest the food you have just eaten, that food does not get properly digested and instead sits in the stomach going rancid while creating bloat and water retention also leading to weight gain. As you can see poor digestion can spiral into a myriad of health issues in the long run.
An efficient digestion can help enhance your immune system’s response. With good digestion, the body can destroy harmful organisms naturally present in food before they can gain entry to the body. Good digestion also prevents the entry of incompletely digested food particles into the blood.
An efficient digestive process promotes complete digestion of food which can mean a healthier intestinal tract, healthy blood lipids, improved mineral absorption, healthy blood glucose levels, healthy blood triglyceride levels and may even help prevent tooth decay.
Supporting Proper Digestion: Three simple supplements can be taken which can relieve you of your indigestion the first day.
Food Allergies/Sensitivities
Food allergies and sensitivities are becoming a much bigger issue in today’s society. Many people have come to accept the constant bloating and water weight they experience now after every meal as a natural occurrence after eating. However this should not be the case at all, in fact you shouldn’t even know you are digesting your food after a meal. Instead people accept the fact and suffer through the extreme bloating and feeling of fullness and don’t even think it being linked to a food allergy or sensitivity. In order to properly diagnose your food allergies and sensitivities a modified elimination diet should be done. After 2 weeks the main food allergens such as
The Ultra Lite Program does just this, we first take you through a modified elimination diet and then slowly re-introduce main food allergens back into your body to see how you respond and if you weight fluctuates significantly or not, you will see weigh fluctuate in just one day if you consume a food you are sensitive to.
Supporting digestion with proper Probiotics, Enzymes, and Digestive Aids is also important. All these items can be purchased in our online store.
'; break; case 'maintenance': echo 'Weight Maintenance
Maintaining your weight is probably the number one struggle that America faces today. Did you know that 92% of Americans who go onto a diet put the weight back on again within 12 months! This constant weight fluctuation is not your fault! It can be due to so many different ailments, the best way to address this issue is by taking your WICO® Wellness Score which will pinpoint the areas of your health that need to be addressed. Here is an example of what you will get when you take your WICO® Score:
Once you have taken your WICO® score you will receive the top portion and we will provide you with a specially trained TRANSFORMATIONS practitioner who can provide you with a virtual consultation so as to know how to properly address your wellness markers. Many times weight maintenance can be due to poor digestion or due to food allergies or sensitivities which can be easily alleviated by implementing a modified elimination diet to discover which foods you might be allergic or sensitive to and thereafter supporting digestion with probiotics, enzymes, and digestive aids. Please consult your health care practitioner first before- hand.
Take Your WICO® Score Now: Click Here
'; break; case 'wlfl': echo 'Worried About: ' . $_GET['page'] . '
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