Our mission is to educate people on the importance of addressing the root causes of why they are overweight, and provide programs that can make losing the weight both easy to attain and long lasting. However, not everyone have health reasons as to why they are overweight or food and emotional issues to deal with. For many who are in great health, it is just an issue of losing a few pounds, but ensuring they do so in a way that will not create bigger problems in the future.
Consequently, there is no one program that fits all and that is why we have 3 options for people to choose from, based on a person’s weight objectives and health conditions. The pre-requisites for all three programs are to ensure they do no harm to people’s health and ability to maintain healthy metabolism. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of most of the programs available in the $50 billion dollar weight loss industry.
So much of what is being promoted to consumers are products that will create dependency, or will do more harm than good, for the objective of losing weight and keeping it off. Furthermore, very few programs address the health reasons why people do not lose weight or cannot keep it off.
Studies have shown conclusively the importance of maintaining healthy weight for disease prevention, not only for diabetes and heart disease but even certain cancers. Consequently, with the changes taking place with health insurance, where less is covered and more people have high deductible plans, maintaining a healthy weight will translate into having healthy finances in old age.
However, the challenge is for people to find the right program for their individual needs and that is why The Weight Loss Institute has sourced the best 3 programs that can solve anyone’s weight loss needs.